Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Horrific Play...D:

This evening I was invited to see a play about something to do with the Trojans. I saw that despiteful Hamlet greeting everyone on stage. I can feel strongly that Hamlet is up to something fishy and is bound to cause some trouble this evening. Like for once he asked me rudely about my experiences as an actor, he just laughs in my face as I told him I once acted out as Julius Caesar. What's worse I had to witness him tormenting my daughter Ophelia with sexual remarks like, May I sit on your lap?

How dare he say that to my poor Ophelia. But moving on... The play began with a King and Queen deeply in love with one another. The queen leaves the king while he is asleep. When all of a sudden the King is poisoned, the queen comes back to find her dear love dead and falls for the that poisoned her husband.

But who killed her husband leads to knowing that kings newphew had done that. I was extremely annoyed when Hamlet kept interupting the play by making ruthless commentary with his Mother, Uncle and the audience. I almost wanted to strangle Hamlet as he kept teasing Ophelia with more sexual remarks. As the play continued the murder pours poison into the King's ear. Suddenly The King rises looking quite frightened and shocked. He yells Lights! and leaves abruptly... I was like Oh no Claudius... why did you have to cause a commotion...Now everyone is going to be curious why he had done that..

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Moment Of Truth

As I mentioned in my last blog that I was going to discuss with my Lord Claudius about the occurences of what had happened between my daughter Ophelia and Hamlet. I came up with a brillant plan to figure out if Hamlet is crazy about my daughter or if he just plain crazy to begin with. I decided that King Claudius and I would spy on Hamlet while Ophelia returned all the letters, poems, and stories to Hamlet and perhaps Hamlet would beg to Ophelia that he wants her back and that he loves without a doubt. King Claudius agreed to my plan, so both of us discuss to Ophelia the plan, I could tell in her eyes she did not want to go through with this but she obeyed intently. King Claudia and I hid inside one of the mirrors of castles in the lobby. Hamlet comes in walking around, asking himself is it better to live or to die.

After he is done contemplating, he see's my Ophelia. Ophelia says she wants to return the letters that he had given to her. Hamlet says that he doesn't recall giving her anything and that she isn't pure to him anymore. He goes crazy saying that she should goto the nunnery and that he doesn't love her anymore.

It was extremely painful to listen and to watch... But I also suspect that Hamlet knew we were spying on him.. But oh well.. Tonight I am curious about the play and I hope Hamlet is sent to England... Goodness I can't stand him..

Today I have ordered my dear servant named Reynaldo to France with money and written letters for Laertes. But Reynaldo's point of this job is to spy and inquire on my son's personal life.

I gave him detailed instruction on how to go about on this invesitgation. I pray that everything will go well as planned. But something very shocking happened today. My loving daughter Ophelia came into my study all frightened and shocked of what had occured with Hamlet. She said that Hamlet had grabbed her lovingly and held her for the longest time, not saying a single word at all to her. I told my daughter that Hamlet must be deeply in love with her and ever since I prohibited my daughter from ever seeing him again. I probably think that Hamlet is extremely filled lovesickness causing Hamlet to be all moody. But I will write more soon, right now I must tell King Claudius the juicy details.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ay my dear son Laertes has left me recently to Paris to extend his education and experience a new life. I pray relentlessly that he will take my advice, keeping it in his heart and put it to good use. For some reason I keep worrying that he will get in some sort of trouble or embaress us majorly to make others mock our ways. Ah how I fear dearly. But I am truly worried about my daughter Ophelia who is head over in heels in love with Hamlet. I feel surely she is just wasting her time with that stupid boy. All he is doing is just using her for his own good, and leading her on to make her think there is more to this but really this is just going to end disastorous. So I decided the best thing to do is to prohibit Ophelia from ever seeing that selfish boy again. I believe I did the right thing to protect my only beautiful daughter from all the evil in this wretched world.