Monday, October 26, 2009

Today I have ordered my dear servant named Reynaldo to France with money and written letters for Laertes. But Reynaldo's point of this job is to spy and inquire on my son's personal life.

I gave him detailed instruction on how to go about on this invesitgation. I pray that everything will go well as planned. But something very shocking happened today. My loving daughter Ophelia came into my study all frightened and shocked of what had occured with Hamlet. She said that Hamlet had grabbed her lovingly and held her for the longest time, not saying a single word at all to her. I told my daughter that Hamlet must be deeply in love with her and ever since I prohibited my daughter from ever seeing him again. I probably think that Hamlet is extremely filled lovesickness causing Hamlet to be all moody. But I will write more soon, right now I must tell King Claudius the juicy details.

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