Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Horrific Play...D:

This evening I was invited to see a play about something to do with the Trojans. I saw that despiteful Hamlet greeting everyone on stage. I can feel strongly that Hamlet is up to something fishy and is bound to cause some trouble this evening. Like for once he asked me rudely about my experiences as an actor, he just laughs in my face as I told him I once acted out as Julius Caesar. What's worse I had to witness him tormenting my daughter Ophelia with sexual remarks like, May I sit on your lap?

How dare he say that to my poor Ophelia. But moving on... The play began with a King and Queen deeply in love with one another. The queen leaves the king while he is asleep. When all of a sudden the King is poisoned, the queen comes back to find her dear love dead and falls for the that poisoned her husband.

But who killed her husband leads to knowing that kings newphew had done that. I was extremely annoyed when Hamlet kept interupting the play by making ruthless commentary with his Mother, Uncle and the audience. I almost wanted to strangle Hamlet as he kept teasing Ophelia with more sexual remarks. As the play continued the murder pours poison into the King's ear. Suddenly The King rises looking quite frightened and shocked. He yells Lights! and leaves abruptly... I was like Oh no Claudius... why did you have to cause a commotion...Now everyone is going to be curious why he had done that..

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