Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Death of my daughter...:(

I have found out that my beautiful dear Ophelia had committed suicide. Truthfully I would not blame her. I was the major factor in her life that completed her and I just had to die and leave her. My son Laertes is full of rage and wants revenge against Hamlet. Lastly Hamlet has arrived... Laetres was angry during the funeral of his sister and jumped into the grave to hug her one last time. Then that Hamlet just had to come in and ruin it all for us... He started saying all this b.s. like Oh I love Ophelia more than anything else in this world... Oh I would do anything for her, like be buried alive with her, get eaten by crocidiles, or anything... Blah.. blah.. He is just plain pyscho... Now Hamlet and my son have agreed to have duel against one another... Of course I know my son will win.. Until then...

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