Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The discussion..

As I have mentioned earlier my son is planning to have a duel with that stupid Hamlet... But let me tell you that the plan is that King Claudius is going to poison Hamlet like when Hamlet wins the a duel with Laertes. The King will ask Hamlet to have some wine because of his winnings.. Hamlet will have a drink of it and all of a sudden he will be poisoned.. Oh thank goodness he will cease to exist.. But right now at the moment Hamlet is discussing with Horatio of how he feels ready enough to do this.. But Horatio has doubt for him and that Hamlet should postpone it to some other time... Hamlet refuses to do that.. he wants to get it over with.. and if he looses he looses.. what ever happens...happens.. He just wants to get through this.. I hope my son is ready to win this battle... I know he will.. I have so much confidence for him...

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